Education program


Improve access to quality and friendly education to children in pastoralist communities

Our approach

Many children in Turkana County are disadvantaged in school learning experience and these has been contributed by; inadequate teaching and learning materials in the learning centres, inadequacy of teachers as per child ratio, lack of sanitation facilities, lack of physical facilities, lack of school feeding programme, gender discrimination, sexual harassment and insecurity etc. These conditions are not conducive for learning and development and no child should experience them.

For young girls’ education is both an intrinsic right and a critical level to reaching other development objectives. Providing girls with an education helps break the cycle of poverty. Educated women are less likely to marry early and against their will, less likely to die in child birth and more likely to have healthy babies, and are more likely to send their children to school. When all children have access to a quality and friendly education rooted in human rights and gender equality, it creates a ripple effect of opportunity that influences generation to come.

Our education programme is aimed at addressing the high rate of young going children to school dropout in Turkana community. We develop infrastructure by building classrooms, provision of teaching and learning resources, capacity building for teachers and supportive staff, we also fight to reduce walking distance for looking and fetching water especially for women and girls by installing water pumps, boreholes, water tanks for water preservation and harvesting. We work to sensitize locals on the benefits of education, combat absenteeism and smooth transition.

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